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Sevierville Dialysis Clinic

Project Information
Square Footage: 5,400
Start Date: July 1994
Completed: Feb. 1995
Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
1600 Hayes St., Suite 300
Nashville, TN 37203
Terry Williams
(865) 573-3944
Net Development, Inc.
Mike Felts
(714) 754-4454

The George W. Reagan Company was selected as the general contractor for the Sevierville Dialysis Clinic negotiation after a competitive bid. The construction consists of reinforced concrete slab on grade, masonry brick, wood framing and trusses, wood roof deck, dimensional asphalt shingle roofing, aluminum storefront and exterior insulation finish system. The interior has substantial casework along with the normal medical finishes such as sheet vinyl floor covering and carpet. The project features “built-in” saline piping for sterilization purposes.