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Blount Memorial Assisted Living Facility

Project Information
Square Footage: 90,000
Start Date: Oct. 2000
Completed: May 2002
Blount Memorial Hospital
907 E. Lamar Alexander Pky.
Maryville, TN 37804
Kent Rogers
(865) 980-6000
Byrd and Cooper
Randy Cooper
(865) 689-6500

The Blount Memorial Assisted Living Facility is the largest contract project to be completed to date. The project includes a radius perimeter and over 90,000 square feet of interior space. Built on two levels, the structure includes a 14’ high concrete retaining wall that is over 1,000 lineal feet in length. The project includes extensive concrete slab on grades and slabs on deck, brick masonry, wood roof trusses, metal framing, and detailed finishes.